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- app.name=Simple Timer
- extensions.simpletimer@grbradt.org.description=A timer/clock residing in the statusbar/toolbar
- alert.error.observer.service=Simple Timer: Error getting observer service
- alert.error.unknown.pref=Simple Timer: Unknown preference
- alert.error.get.prefs=Simple Timer: Error getting preferences
- alert.error.invalid.startup=Simple Timer: Invalid startup option
- alert.warning.toolbar.button=Remember to drag the button from palette to toolbar!
- alert.warning.toolbar.option=Remember to change display option in Options->Positioning!
- alert.error.invalid.leftClick=Invalid left-click option
- alert.error.invalid.tooltip=Invalid tooltip option
- alert.error.invalid.dateFormat=Invalid date format option
- confirm.cancel.line1=This will cancel the notification set for
- confirm.cancel.line2=Continue?
- alert.notification.timer.complete=Your timer has completed!
- alert.notification.notify.complete=This is your notification!
- alert.error.popup.failed=Could not display the popup:
- alert.error.dialog.failed=Could not move Time Completed dialogs:
- alert.warning.nonzero.user=Please enter a non-zero time!
- title.audio.filepicker=Select Audio File
- alert.error.path.empty.line1=Please browse and select your custom file,
- alert.error.path.empty.line2=or choose a preset audio file
- alert.error.audio.failed=Simple Timer: Could not play the audio file!
- alert.error.invalid.audio.file=Simple Timer: Invalid custom audio file!
- alert.error.html.error.aborted=Simple Timer: Audio file error code - aborted
- alert.error.html.error.network=Simple Timer: Audio file error code - network
- alert.error.html.error.decode=Simple Timer: Audio file error code - unable to decode
- alert.error.html.error.not.supported=Simple Timer: Audio file error code - src not supported
- alert.error.html.error.unknown=Simple Timer: Audio file error code - unknown
- title.log.filepicker=Select Log File Folder
- alert.error.log.path.empty=Event log file path is empty!
- alert.error.log.file.open=Error opening log file:
- alert.error.log.file.read=Error reading log file:
- alert.error.log.file.write=Error writing log file:
- alert.error.log.file.create=Error creating log file:
- alert.error.log.invalid.data.in=Invalid data in log file:
- alert.error.log.invalid.data.out=Writing invalid data to log file:
- msg.timers.no.list=There is no saved list to load!
- alert.error.decoding.timer=Error decoding timer data
- alert.error.encoding.timer=Error encoding timer data
- confirm.save.timer.list=This will overwrite any currently saved list! Continue?
- confirm.clear.log.file=Log file clearing cannot be undone! Continue?
- alert.error.loading.notifications=Error loading notifications
- alert.error.loading.countdowns=Error loading countdown timers
- alert.error.loading.slider.queue=Error loading slider alerts
- alert.warning.duplicate.notification.add=Notification added, but check highlighted table entries for conflicts!
- alert.warning.duplicate.notification.upd=Notification updated, but check highlighted table entries for conflicts!
- alert.warning.no.url=There is no URL to bookmark!
- alert.warning.no.item.selected=No item selected for delete!
- alert.error.invalid.dow=Invalid day of the week!
- alert.error.invalid.url=URL has invalid or unsupported protocol!
- msg.notify.lost=One-time notification(s) from previous session expired
- msg.countdown.timers.none=Countdown timer(s) from previous session expired
- msg.countdown.timers.some=Countdown resumed, some timer(s) from previous session expired
- msg.countdown.timers.all=Countdown timer(s) from previous session resumed
- msg.browser.time=This browser session:
- msg.last.countup=Last count up:
- msg.no.countup=No count up this session
- msg.notifications=Notification(s):
- msg.no.notifications=There are no pending notifications
- msg.countdown.timers=Timer(s):
- msg.no.timers=There are no countdown timers
- msg.no.description=(no description)
- msg.recurring=recurring
- msg.complete.time=Completed at
- msg.none=None
- msg.not.applicable=N/A
- msg.etc=and others...
- msg.notification=Notification
- msg.countup=Count up
- msg.countdown=Count down
- msg.completed=Completed
- msg.expired=Expired
- msg.yes=Yes
- msg.no=No
- display.dow.short.sunday=Sun
- display.dow.short.monday=Mon
- display.dow.short.tuesday=Tue
- display.dow.short.wednesday=Wed
- display.dow.short.thursday=Thu
- display.dow.short.friday=Fri
- display.dow.short.saturday=Sat
- display.dow.daily=daily
- display.dow.short.weekdays=M-F
- display.dow.short.weekend=wkend
- display.ordinal.st=st
- display.ordinal.nd=nd
- display.ordinal.rd=rd
- display.ordinal.th=th
- button.label.add=Add
- button.label.add/OK=Add/OK
- button.label.replace=Replace
- button.label.replace/OK=Replace/OK
- button.tooltip.add=Add the above item to the list
- button.tooltip.add/OK=Add this item to the list, and exit
- button.tooltip.replace=Replace the highlighted item in the list
- button.tooltip.replace/OK=Replace the highlighted item in the list, and exit